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Sculptor Artisan

As we age, the level of collagen and elastin can begin to decrease in our skin. Over time, this can result in the gradual appearance of aging signs, as well as other skin concerns. It’s not uncommon that the loss of hydration can cause skin to appear droopy or saggy as the skin gradually becomes more loose and lax. When fat accumulation increases, it can cause the body to lose it’s tight and toned shape, resulting in sagging skin. If you are unsatisfied by the appearance of loose and less firm skin in areas of your body that have an increased accumulation of fat cells, maybe it’s time you experience the revolutionary benefits of Sculptor Artisan™ treatments at Skindulgenz. 


What is Sculptor Artisan? 


Sculptor Artisan is a treatment that is designed to effectively and immediately reduce body mass and cellulite reduction, sculpt the body, and provide patients with a tighter, more firm silhouette. This state-of the-art advanced body contouring treatment produces results by targeting common problem areas that often droop, cause inflammation, and creases and wrinkles. 

Sculptor Artisan is great for treating eyes, brows, lips for the small areas, but it is all extremely beneficial for the crepey arms, aged hands, abdomen, back, reduction of bra fat bulges, both front and back and so much more.


How Do Treatments Work? 


Sculptor body contouring treatments are safe and non-invasive treatments that work by increasing the body’s natural biological process responsible for skin’s hydration to sculpt and tone the body in specific targeted areas.  Treatments incorporate the use of a specialized tool that works by producing a high-frequency micro-current. The use of High Frequency Microcurrent during treatment is designed to target problem areas beneath the skin and activate the acceleration of collagen growth. The body’s natural response can provide dramatic results that instantly tighten the appearance of skin while also contouring the body. Because of modern technological advances, High Frequency Microcurrent can now be used at a much higher frequency, allowing the body to respond at a much higher rate with faster results. Artisan sculptor technology is proven successful at improving the appearance of skin and body concerns including: 

  • Loose and lax skin 

  • Creases and wrinkles 

  • Increased body mass and problem fat 

  • Inflammation 

  • Droopy or saggy skin areas 

  • Crepey skin 

  • Cellulite Reduction


The treatment requires absolutely no downtime and depending on results you wish to achieve can go 90 mins and above. The treatment is most effective when you are very hydrated. Clients have been requested to take about 1 gallon of water each day and a 1000mg dose of Vitamin C to achieve better results.


Who Is a Candidate? 


For anyone who is unsatisfied by the appearance of cellulite and saggy skin due to a reduction in skin tightness can benefit from treatment. For individuals who have noticed a decrease in the appearance of their skin deriving from the loss of collagen, and are looking for a solution to tighten their body’s shape and smooth away saggy skin, may also be a candidate. The best way to determine if you qualify as a candidate is through a consultation. 

If you are ready to reclaim your body’s tight and contoured shape, reach out to us here at Skindulgenz to learn more about our revolutionary body contouring treatment and cellulite reduction options. Contact us today and schedule you consultation! 

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